Monday, March 30, 2009

Black Lagoon and Phantom Menace reviews

Ahhhh, Spring has sprung, Groovie Ghoulies!

And what better way to celebrate then with two Creature Double Features?

Creature From The Black Lagoon is such a fun ride. After old hand bones are discovered in the Amazon, a group goes to try and find some more fossils to find out what and how old the stange claw actually is. They find more then the bargained for in the Creature! The underwater photography is great for it's time. The creature suit works perfectly. I think this is one of the better entries in the Universal horror library. And who can really blame the Creature just wanted a little love? I always root for the monster in these. By the way, my wife watched this with me and her favorite line comes from the main hero talking to his boss. "Ohh Carl, get out of my way!" It's just the way the scene goes. It's pretty funny!

On to The Phantom Menace. I could go on for days about Star Wars! And I have always had a love hate relationship with The Phantom Menace. I love Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. I think Darth Maul rocks. I think Senator/Chancellor Palpatine is one of the best villians this century. Natalie Portman is a cutie. I'm not a huge fan of Jar Jar Binks and the kid who played Anakin in this film. I know what George was trying to get across that this was just a kid with a good heart, and he ends up with a bum rap. I actually enjoyed it more this time as I had in the past. It's been awhile since I've seen it, and I thought it was better then I remember. The franchise really gets rolling for me with Episode 2. But that is an episode for another week.

That's all for now. See you here tomorrow when we see what will be landing in our laps this week. May want to get some garlic, and start sharpening some stakes from what I hear. Till then, watch the skies!

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