Wednesday, April 29, 2009

This Weekend's (5/2) Creature Double Feature Drive-In Movies!

Greetings Groovy Ghoulies! A day late and a dollar short but "fangs" for staying around! The drive-in is featuring two doozies this weekend! Texas Chainsaw and Horror of Dracula were great and I hope you will enjoy these two too! We will be celebrating MORE vampires in different flicks.

First, Adrian Pasdar of Heroes fame is bitten by a pretty drifter and soon finds himself caught up among them! Can he break the curse before him? Find out in Near Dark!

Pure Grindhouse and monster battle royal fun after that! A descendant of Dr. Frankenstein hopes to revive the monster in 1971! The good count Dracula arrives and the body count soars! Could anything contain these two titans? Have you seen the movie poster above? Dracula vs. Frankenstein is placing bets now!

Check back for the previews tomorrow! Until then, watch the skies!

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