Sunday, February 22, 2009

Of Vampires and Ghosts

Had a pretty good time at the CDF drive-in yesterday! Watched two films I have not seen before.

Dracula's Daughter was decent. I can see why the critics have been torn with this movie over the years. I couldn't figure out if it wanted to be a comedy or horror. Maybe Horedy? Is that even a word?

It literally picks up minutes after Edward Van Sloan killed Dracula at the end of the first film. We even a pretty bad looking wax (?) figure of Bela witha stake through his heart.

We soon meet Dracula's daughter and she spirits her father's body away to burn. She only wants to be free of this curse. What kind of father turns their daughter into a vampire? She tries to not be evil but she cannot escape her heritage in the end.
I love the universal era of Monsters, the golden age. This along with the Hammer horror movies shaped my love of this genre. And I will be paying homage to both again this week.

Onto the second feature, I had no idea that the Fog was a Halloween reunion. I counted at least three faces from John Carpenter's original feature. Good stuff. I loved the use of darkness and green lights in this.

I think it's much scarier when they build to you seeing what the horror is, and even then we never get a really good look at what lurks in the fog.

I've got to go looking for some John Carpenter music scores because they are so good! he must have a greatest hits album?

I'm looking forward to watching the making of this movie, as I am interested into what kind of problems they ran into filming with smoke.

So, there's this week's features. Will be looking forward to next weekend.
Before I go, just wanted to give some background onto the why of all this. When I was a kid, we got channel 55 on the weekend, and it aired Creature Double Feature. They some great monsters on there, all the classics were represented. It was a good childhood.

In my adult life, I ofton wonder what it would be like to run a drive-in and be able to share these horror movies with a new audience, and some of the same audience too. So, I guess I'm doing this to maybe put a smile on at least one other face. For someone else, to get the pleasure out of these movies that I did.

And maybe that person is out there reading right now, and will go pick up one of these movies. Ahh, maybe I'm getting too sentimental in my later 30s. If this is the extent of a midlife crisis, enjoying the films of before....not too bad.

What draws us to these movies and the love of this genre? A post for another day I think. Until the vault opens back up tomorrow, watch the skies, my friends. Watch the skies...

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