Monday, February 16, 2009

From The Vaults #1: Anakin Skywalker Outland Peasant Disguise Figure

Welcome to the first edition of From The Vaults. We're featuring a kinda cool action figure from The Star Wars universe. This nifty Anakin figure doesn't come with an accordian, it's actually a force sensative canister! Apparently, when you move Anakin's hand over it, the lip opens and his weapon jumps into his hand or something.Ok, The Star Wars toys of today are pretty. cool. I'm not sure of the material they're made from. I think the faces on the older Kenner figures were better. Through I try to get any of the Skywalker family related figures when I find them.For some reason, I love the "With Force Action!" on the front of the plastic. Oh well, we'll see what I can pull out from the vaults for next week.Until next time, may the force be with you, and remember to watch the skies

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